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Redcon1 Warzone

Redcon1 Warzone

Regular price $88.50 AUD
Regular price $99.95 AUD Sale price $88.50 AUD
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Serving Size

90 Caps

Product Description

You enter the gym ready for war, it's you vs you, introducing Redcon1 Warzone. The whole reason for training in the gym is to tear yourself down to build yourself back up again. In order to maximise building yourself back up we recommend supplementing with Warzone. An all natural capsulted product formulated with 3 ingredients; Vitamin D, Beta Ecdysterone and Leucine. 

This product is used to enhance the muscle building effect. Leucine, an amino acid known as the initiator for the MPS cycle effect, along with Beta Ecdysterone, a plant/insect based compound known as an Ecdysteroid, which are responsible for structural growth and will allow you to maximise the body's response when it comes to building lean muscle tissue and enhancing your recovery.

While these compounds play a part in growth they are classed as non androgenic compounds, meaning that it won't shut you down or contain any harsh side effects that are commonly linked with AAS.

Key benefits of Warzone

  • Shown to increase lean muscle tissue growth
  • Natural compound derived from plants/insects
  • Increase muscle protein synthesis

Directions of Use

Take 3 capsules of War Zone with a protein rich meal. Best taken after a workout to maximise your recovery but can be taken any time of day.

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